For the last 3 years, I have enjoyed acting as a mentor, within this programme for housing professionals.
The programme kicked off to a great start in October last year, with face to face 1:1 mentoring sessions and group classes. From Spring onwards, however, we had to adapt, as many of us have, to virtual 1:1 sessions and classes via video conferencing.
It was an easy transition, which enabled everyone to celebrate their successes, as the programme came to its conclusion earlier this year.
Congratulations and well done to all the mentees!
In October, it was a pleasure to meet Bruce Lipton, after his all day workshop at Friends House in London.
Bruce is a former cell biologist, whose first book "The Biology of Belief" introduces the new science of epigenetics, which explains the placebo affect and why we are not a victim of our genes - genes control nothing. It is our environment, read by the membrane around our cells that determines how genes are expressed.
According to Bruce, if you change your environment, which includes your thinking, you change your biology.
This is important, as Bruce encourages us to take control and responsibility for our health, through good nutrition, exercise, happiness/gratitude, positive outlook, love and service to others.
September saw the launch of my new consulting room in east Devon.
I know the environment plays an important part in the coaching relationship, so I have ensured I can offer you a comfortable, calm and relaxing space for personal 1:1 coaching and mentoring.
I do also offer consultations via phone, FaceTime or Skype, if you are not local to me.